South Tyrol
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Gais - Villa Ottone / Gais - Uttenheim at the Kronplatz in South Tyrol

Gais - Villa Ottone / Gais - Uttenheim at the Kronplatz

<< Perca San Lorenzo >>

A stay in the charming holiday village Gais – Villa Ottone / Gais Uttenheim in South Tyrol does not only attract those guests who are looking for recreation; also active vacationers and those interested in culture appreciate this place. The multifaceted nature and the numerous sport and leisure facilities as well as the distinguished accommodations in Gais - Villa Ottone leave nothing to be desired. In winter you can go ice-skating, skiing and cross-country skiing in the snow-covered Kronplatz region and during summertime it is strongly recommended to take a walk to the mountain farms of Lanebach / Lana di Gais to get a close experience of functional agriculture and sincere hospitality…


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