South Tyrol
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Weather forecast

Weather report for Saturday, February 22, 2025
Weather conditions:
The high will remain, but the air masses will become somewhat more humid.
Weather today:
The day will be quite sunny, but there will be low stratus clouds in places at the beginning and high cloud fields will pass through during the day. The highest temperatures range from 5° to 11°.
Mountain weather today:
Conditions on the mountains are generally quite good. Initially, fog patches may restrict visibility in places, otherwise high cloud fields will pass through.

Further development

Temp. max: 12°C
Temp. min: -1°C

Temp. max: 12°C
Temp. min: 0°C

Temp. max: 11°C
Temp. min: 1°C
On Sunday, sunshine will alternate with denser clouds. Monday will begin with low stratus clouds in some areas, otherwise sunshine will predominate. Clouds will increase in the afternoon. On Tuesday, clouds will predominate with a few sunny spells. Wednesday will be cloudy and some precipitation is expected.

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Weather forecast


South Tyrol

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