South Tyrol
Offers in South Tyrol
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Weather forecast

Weather report for Wednesday, March 26, 2025
Weather conditions:
North-easterly currents will bring wetter air masses closer to the Alps.
Weather today:
Fairly sunny weather with longer sunny spells in the south. On the border ridge there will be cloudiness with the possibility of a few showers. Foehn wind will blow in the valleys to the north. Maximum temperatures between 12° and 20°.
Mountain weather today:
While clouds may persist along the border ridge, the weather in the south will be sunnier. Isolated showers are not excluded.

Further development

Temp. max: 21°C
Temp. min: 2°C

Temp. max: 22°C
Temp. min: 0°C

Temp. max: 19°C
Temp. min: 2°C
Very sunny weather on Thursday, except on the border ridge where clouds will persist. The foehn wind will still be blowing in the valleys. On Friday, sunshine will dominate with generally clear skies. On Saturday, cloudiness will increase with possible precipitation, especially in the north. Occasionally strong northerly winds. On Sunday, sun and clouds will alternate in the sky. Isolated showers are not excluded.

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Weather forecast


South Tyrol

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