South Tyrol
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San Vigilio di Marebbe / St. Vigil in Enneberg at the Kronplatz

San Vigilio di Marebbe / St. Vigil in Enneberg at the Kronplatz

<< San Martino in Badia Perca >>

Activity and recreation from morning to night expect you in the holiday village San Vigilio di Marebbe / St. Vigil in Enneberg in the Val Badia. Experience the sincere hospitality of the Ladinians and enjoy the fabulous landscape of the holiday region Kronplatz.
While nature lovers and enthusiastic alpinists get their money's worth when taking simple hikes or challenging mountain tours, historically interested people can follow the trails of the freedom fighter Katharina Lanz, who was born here. The classy accommodations in San Vigilio di Marebbe perfect your stay in South Tyrol's East.


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San Leonardo in Bressanone


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